Wyjazd edukacyjny- Wdzydze Kiszewskie-oczami Vanessy Frawley..
Vanessa Frawley jest uczennicą, którą mamy zaszczyt gościć w naszej szkole w pierwszym semestrze bieżącego roku szkolnego. Vanessa przebywa w SAT w ramach wymiany uczniowskiej, na stałe mieszka w Irlandii. Wybrała Polskę ,Sopot i naszą szkołę, ponieważ chcę poznać naszą kulturę i język, zobaczyć jak wygląda nauka w polskim liceum. Poniżej przedstawiamy relację Vanessy z wyjazdu edukacyjnego do Wdzydz Kiszewskich.
Today we had a wonderful opportunity to visit the „Kaszubski Park Etnograficzny ” with our class and class tutors.
The day began bright and early in the morning at 8.30am when we all met up on the school grounds to take a roll call. We then hopped on the bus for a 1-hour drive to the beautiful open air museum that is situated on the lake of Wdzydze.
When we arrived we got to see the richness and diversity of rural architecture from the period from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. The interior of the museum consists of authentic furniture and other household elements, such as kettles, cutlery, silverware and clothes.
I found the entire trip very interesting as I was able to link my knowledge of Irish architecture of the seventeenth to the twentieth century to what I saw in the „Kaszubski Park Etnograficzny”.
One of the biggest differences I saw was the architecture of the churches. Back home in Ireland churches from the 17th century were built mainly of stone, whereas the churches I saw today where built of wood.
My favourite part of the trip was at noon when our class were having a picnic together while looking out on the lake. In my opinion, the best part was exactly at 12.00pm when the church bells rang. The experience of hearing the bells felt so surreal, as I felt as if I was encountering a time during the 18th century when the open air museum buildings and objects were actually in use by local people.
Overall, I would give today’s trip a 10/10 . I learned alot about life in the region in the past.
Vanessa Frawley